Sunday, September 8, 2019

I'm Mom to a Baby Kitten!

Life can change at a moment's notice. One moment the waters are perfectly calm, then a hasty decision can create turbulence that roils the waters for weeks, or even years, to come.

We've taken on a foster kitten.

Belvedere (Belly Cat for short) is a newborn orange-and-white kitten whose mother rejected him at birth. We don't know why; he might have a defect or she might have had too many mouths to feed.

We're feeding him by syringe every 2 hours, which means we're waking up for dinner time every two hours. He's pooped once and peed several times, so the plumbing works. Right now he's calm, but when he screams, he sounds like a squeaky toy. 

The other cats will have nothing to do with him. Girlie gave him a good sniff and then hissed at him (because newborn kittens are threatening). 

I hope Belly survives. I hope he's not too burdened not having a mommy. I hope he grows up to be a cuddly cat. We're doing our best.

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