Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Justice for All

"... with liberty and justice for all."

This is why I think the announcement of formal impeachment proceedings against President Trump is good news. Clear evidence exists that President Trump has colluded with foreign entities for the purpose of influencing elections, which is an affront to the democratic process in the US. It is the job of the president to keep the nation's good, rather than his own desires, in mind. 

Some would argue that the democratic process in the US isn't very democratic, and they would be right. The need for a huge "war chest" to run for president restricts all but the wealthy and famous. The Electoral College exists as the remnant of a system where only white male landowners could vote. Polling places are cut disproportionately in areas where less-wealthy blacks live.

However, Trump's apparent attempt at manipulating Ukraine with an eye to collusion and the earlier suspected collusion with Russia, if proven, are major subversions not only to the electoral process but to the security interests of the United States.

Americans know this -- at least the majority of Americans who have not bought into the cult of the bully Trump. And they want justice for all, not just the rich and powerful.

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