Saturday, July 6, 2019

Writing in Beaver Dam WI

Another day at Higher Grounds in Beaver Dam having just finished another three hours of writing. I'm at 14 hours out of 30 for Camp NaNo July, and I'm at least getting more words for Gaia's Hands. I think it's going to go through another dev edit because it deserves it and it's now a much different book.

Richard has just gone through a line edit of Apocalypse, which means a couple fixes and it's ready to go into Query Mode. It's a very different book than the one that failed in querying. I think I've grown a lot from when that was the second (and third) book I've written.

One thing I've discovered: Nobody's impressed that I'm a writer. I'm secretly amused by this, because there's this part of me who dreams of impressing people. In reality, it's "Oh, you're a writer? You're not published yet? Have you tried children's books?" I have nothing bad to say about children's books, but unless they involve ancient lore, preternatural bad guys, and the reincarnation of King -- Oh, sorry, that's Susan Cooper's Dark is Rising sequence. Loved that stuff.

I stay optimistic, maybe because I've won one short story contest and been a runner-up in another. (I've been rejected by three times this many zines and contests, though). 

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