Thursday, July 11, 2019

optimism and waiting

Apocalypse is ready for querying, but I'm going to sit on it for a while, until I know what's happening with Prodigies. If Prodigies gets accepted by either DAW or the remaining agent on my list, it changes the whole dynamic. 

I'm thinking positive. My good Germanic role models on my mother's side of the family would discourage my positive thinking. The Koenig family motto is "Don't look forward to anything; you might be disappointed." The problem with this, though, is that all that time I'm not looking forward to a positive outcome doesn't make the rejection any easier, and in fact, prolongs the misery.

Optimism always makes me worry that I might be hypomanic; as someone with Bipolar 2, this is not an idle worry. But I'm not being kept awake by disparate thoughts linking  with each other like boxcars in a railyard, so maybe this is true optimism.

So I wait.  

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