Monday, July 2, 2018

Juggling cats

I'm juggling cats.
Hefty cats.
With claws out.

This is what my schedule seems like lately. In addition to editing books, I'm taking an online course, putting together what is roughly a manual for doing moulage, putting together an online course for fall, and visiting interns on site. If this is a summer vacation, I'm not vacationing much.

Oh, yes, and I got my psychological first aid certification, so there's that.

And I'm managing to do this all while recovering from a depressive episode. Yay me!

Today, the excerpt is from the manual for moulage. It's somewhat drier than my fiction, so apologies in advance --

In the case of disembowelments, this author has used inflated condoms and pork sausage casings as the simulated bowel material, which show some promise but at the same time have limitations. Condoms must be inflated and tied together, a feat impossible to do if the condoms are lubricated. The casings must be soaked in lukewarm water to remove the excess salt and likewise inflated and tied, a task not for the squeamish. Actual pork intestines yield the highest fidelity in constructing a disembowelment, but its characteristics (slipperiness, smell) might be a deterrent to its use in moulage.

Happy breakfast!

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