Sunday, July 29, 2018

50% sleepy, 50% bored

I want to do absolutely nothing today!

I don't like doing nothing. I think I've told you this before. Doing nothing means watching Netflix (which I rarely do well), going to a movie (very few movies are enticing enough for me to go, and none of them are Mamma Mia 2), sleeping (I'm all caught up), reading (I have to find a good book!), or meditating all day (which is impossible unless I'm sick).

Who am I fooling? I want to do something, even if I want to do nothing.

I would love to send queries on Prodigies today, but my betas are still reading and I'd rather have them be slow and careful than speed up on it. If I could knit or crochet or tat I would, but my hand-eye coordination is abysmal.

I could write -- but I'm having trouble getting back into my work in progress. Maybe more coffee. I'm 50% sleepy and 50% bored. I'm working on it.

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