Wednesday, July 11, 2018

I'm getting back into meditation again.

For a long time, I couldn't meditate -- I would instead fall asleep, which is something that very quickly shuts off  your meditation session. Then suddenly, I knew how to do it again, and I could go on that long walk to my inner self who knows more than I do.

That's the guided meditation a long-ago therapist taught me, and it works well, because it cuts off all the "what ifs" and (for someone who sometimes goes hypomanic) the mildly grandiose thoughts:

I am walking along the edges of a steam, where one side is woodland and the other side is clearing, with meadow on the other aide of a road. I can see the forest plants on one side, and on the other, the meadow plants (which this time of year are mostly yellow). I hear the stream burble and the occasional call of a bird in the trees.

Just as the forest subsides, the road starts going uphill. I step across rocks in the stream and take the road, it climbs upward on a moderate slope, and then winds around the side of the hill, I go partway up and see a cave entrance. I have to slide down the slope just inside the entrance of the cave, and then I am in this cozy vault. There is a fire burning, and I put a log on the fire.

My wiser self shows up, many years later, with my face much older. She gives me a hug and then we sit down.

"Tell me what you've come to ask about," she says.

I ask her questions about things I'm unclear about, and she answers with things I know to be true.

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