Saturday, July 7, 2018

Acknowledgements and dedications

When I am about to embark on another querying round, sending agents a bundle of my work that generally sells my book as a product, I need something positive to anchor me, because it's a brutal process with lots of rejections and (so far) no acceptances.

To keep myself positive, I compose acknowledgement and dedication sections.

For example, Prodigies is being developmentally edited right now. In the acknowledgements, I will need to include Chelsea Harper (the editor); Marcel Borowiec (who supplied translation help on one short section); my beta-readers (I'm hoping Sheri Roush and Martha Stewart agree to another round of reading); and last but nowhere near least, my husband Richard Leach-Steffens for letting me bounce story ideas off him and keeping me plied with coffee.

Meanwhile, Voyageurs is about to go into the query cycle after a revision. I would acknowledge some of the people above, particularly Sheri and Martha and Richard, so I'm thinking of dedications.
The trick to dedications is that you want it to be sincere, interesting, and in fitting with your image.

Oh, God, what is my image?

I would call my image ageless with a dry and quirky sense of humor. (As opposed to real-life me, which is a little more goofy). So let me write the dedication: To my husband Richard, for his unfailing support and endless pot of coffee.

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