Saturday, September 19, 2020

Plowing through everything

Saturday morning, and I am wondering what to do with my time. My husband is going to work, and I am done with the following: work for my class in improving my online class; the manuscript in both paperback and kindle; the cover to my book; several advertisements for the book; revamping my new blog; fixing some errors in the new blog ...

Oh, yes, I remember now. I need to start plotting Kringle in the Night. Even though it's still September and NaNo is a month and a half away.

Times like this I wonder if I'm on a hypomania binge because I'm SO productive. I still seem to be sleeping; in fact I slept in this morning.

If this is normal, I'll take it.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent choice, prepping for NaNo! And the more groundwork laid before hand, the better, I think. Best wishes with your writing.


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