Friday, May 15, 2020

But First, Coffee

My summer class (the one I'm taking) hasn't started yet, and the summer class (the one I'm teaching) is chugging along, so I have time to revise. I'm still working on Apocalypse, and it's not been very systematic, because I'm almost to the end and I'm thinking of what I should have done Back There. I figure I will finish and go back, making for a long process.

But first, coffee.

Our local coffeehouse (Oh, how I miss the Game Cafe!) delivered two pounds of Oddly Correct's "Meat and Potatoes", which is a solid yet somewhat esoteric brew. I have a cup right now, and it's a blessing during quarantine when we've run out of our roasting beans for a few days.

So I will work today, caffeinated, hoping my inspirations will catch hold and I can make Apocalypse even better than it was. 

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