Sunday, May 10, 2020

A Pretty Good Life

So today is my one day of summer break. My online class (the one I'm taking) starts tomorrow while the internship I'm teaching starts Tuesday. But those classes will still give me plenty of time for writing because I'm stuck here anyhow. 

So what am I doing for summer break? Baking some bread. Editing some writing. Making my own personal recipe of thousand-year-sauce chicken. Planting some lamb's ear and garlic chives. Drinking more coffee. Petting the cats. In other words, business as usual because, frankly, I have a pretty good life.

Girlie-Girl working hard on a Sunday.

Richard is making more coffee while I type this. The cats are lounging in various areas of the house. Eric Satie's Gnossiene No. 2 is playing on the stereo. It's chilly outside, but it will warm up by the time I'm ready to plant new plants. 

There's a new, beat-up spider plant in the window. I'm going to try to give it a good life, too. I mean it's really beat up to the point where I think I need to remove most of the biggest leaves. But it will survive and so will we. 

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