Friday, June 14, 2019

Waiting for Things to Happen

I'm drinking coffee in my room while I write this, hoping for a productive conference.
The writers' conference starts at 9 CDT and I already have some ideas for places to get peer reviews. I have to remember to give business cards -- I have plenty. Networking does not come naturally to me, especially as I have a hearing problem that's getting worse with time.

During the conference, I have a pitch session and a session with an editor during the conference (short selection, not the whole book) and a 5x5 critique session during this conference.

Anything to get better -- my only fear is that my book doesn't have good bones. By "bones", I mean the bedrock of the book. Ok, enough of the metaphors -- the basic idea and structure of the book, the language, the characters, the plot. 

I still have a manuscript out at DAW (Prodigies); not expecting them to bite, but there's always hope. Apocalypse is back in dev edit, and the editor is doing a thorough pass after all the changes I made. My dev editor (shout out for Chelsea Harper here) says she believes in Apocalypse. Keeping my fingers crossed.

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