Thursday, June 20, 2019

Wait for it.

So what happens when you come out of an affirming moment into ordinary life?

If you're me, you feel like someone launched you out of a cannon into ... a field. A muddy field. In the middle of nowhere. With cows placidly munching on grass.  

"What should I be doing in this field?" I ask, realizing that a chair and my laptop have materialized in the field beside me. I sit down; the chair sinks into the mud about an inch or so, and I realize these shoes will never be the same. 

I set myself to writing on a story, but I don't know which one to write on -- the serious rewrite of Gaia's Hands? The attempt to write a short story out of the long lost Gaia's Eyes?  Some other short story? A new novel? 

I ruminate: Will I ever get an agent? Will I ever get published? Is there a reason for all this? Is this God's will? Is there really a God, and if so, doesn't She have something better to do than land me a writing career? A placid bovine eyes me with sympathy.

Restless, I stand, setting the laptop on the chair. The cows low about me. Disgruntled, I take a deep breath and remind myself:

I am out standing in my field.

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