Sunday, February 24, 2019

Sunday morning at Mozingo and my lack of inspiration

Sunday morning at Mozingo Lake. I'm sitting on the couch swathed in blankets in front of the fire, recovering from my decision to turn the heater down for the night. The main room temperature was 57 degrees this morning; the bedroom, without its own heat, probably hit the low fifties. So I'm now pampered on the couch while Richard makes hot chocolate.

I've decided to do one more editing pass of Whose Hearts are Mountains, suspecting that I concentrated too much on the "was is where have had has" and not enough on other aspects that need smoothing out. And I have one more novel that needs editing after that.

I'm postponing writing another novel, and I know it.

Like I said, I have an idea for a new novel that I've been sitting on for a while. The name of the novel is (tentatively) God's Seeds; I've talked about it in these pages. It might help me to do what I usually do when I write -- pay attention to the relationships between characters. The themes come first, the plot I create in the outline, but in my books, the relationships between characters create the dialog and the unfolding of the story. The main relationship in this novel is between Baird Wilkens, a half-human Nephilim and Leah Inhofer, a young adult with a startling gift. The story is in the Archetype universe, taking place a year or so after the Apocalypse. (Note to readers -- the Apocalypse doesn't turn out like you think. Look up the origin of the word)

It's just hard to write right now because of my failure to get something accepted. I've already fulfilled my goal of writing a novel several times over, so another novel isn't a tantalizing new goal. I haven't gotten published or even found an agent yet, and so that goal seems daunting enough that I'm becoming avoidant.

What do I need right now? A clear path -- an idea of what to do next. Give up? (I don't feel like I'd have closure if I did this.) Self-publish? (I'm still scared of landing into obscurity, and it wouldn't feel like closure.) Keep plugging away? (Insanity is doing the same thing over and over with the same results). Pray? (I've been doing this. No answer, my friends. No answer.)

At this moment, I guess it doesn't matter, because I'm parked in front of a warm fire in a pine-paneled cabin, Outside lies a snowy landscape and iced-over lake. All is fine.

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