Saturday, February 23, 2019

I am not inspired

So, I'm done editing Whose Hearts are Mountains, and I'm still at Mozingo on my writing retreat. But I don't feel like writing. What am I to do?

Here's my problem -- I don't have any inspiration for a new book. I haven't since I finished Whose Hearts are Mountains (writing, not editing). This is part of the reason I've been editing the back catalog for eventual developmental edits. 

I have an outline for another novel, but my brain feels like a brick right now. I wrote a sentence, a first sentence, and it dropped like lead, inert and boring.  I don't feel that energy of attraction to anything I've writing. 

I think a good amount of this is how hard I've been trying to get an agent and how utterly fruitless my efforts have been. I'm discouraged, and it's hard getting motivated to write when there's a backlog of unread novels.

Wish me inspiration. Wish me luck. Wish me good spirits. Wish me love.

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