Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Why I write (almost) every day

For those of you who have been following me, you know that I write this blog almost every day, sometimes twice in a day. I write first thing in the morning, right after breakfast, before tending to the other duties of the day. Usually, I write this sitting on my living room couch, lap desk in lap, typing on a Microsoft Surface. There's usually at least one cat nearby -- today, Buddy is taking up Richard's seat on the couch.

There are many reasons I write this blog daily. The first reason is because it's a writing habit, I haven't written on a novel in a couple of months because I've been editing prior novels for developmental edits, but I'm still writing. I'm still keeping my fingers limber and my ideas fresh for when I start noveling again. (Is 'noveling' a word? My spellcheck doesn't think so.)

A second reason is because I feel a rapport with my readers. I estimate there are only about 20 of you regular readers, and that most of you are people I know. A few of you I'm pretty sure I don't know, given that you come from places I've never been to like Germany, France, and Portugal.  I like to write for you, and I'm glad you're reading.

 A final reason is that I hope to be published someday, in which case I'll need to have a blog, because it's what writers do. You regular readers know that I fret about whether I'll be published, and some days I feel down about it. I feel down about it today, as a matter of fact. Keeping a blog helps me hope that the rest of the trappings of being published -- readers, recognition -- will come to me.

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