Monday, February 18, 2019


I'm down to twenty readers, but I am assured that all of you are real people instead of bots or that the CIA is no longer reading this for hidden messages -- just kidding. I think. Thank you for following me.

I'm at a loss as to how to get more readers. This is my big worry about embarking in self-publishing as well. In a world where everything is screaming for attention, how does one actually get attention? Quality is not enough, as is evidenced by many industries -- music, books, movies -- where the hyped gets more interest than the small shining gem of a creation.

What's enough? I've never stopped to consider this.

Expectations have a way of expanding. At the beginning of this journey, I didn't know if I could write 50,000 words. Then, as I reached that point, I expected to be able to write whole novels which grew to 80,000 words or more. Then I expected to get published, which hasn't happened yet but could happen if I self-published. Yet now I expect to have more than twenty people read my blog. And I expect them to comment occasionally.  

 Maybe I should scale my expectations down. Maybe twenty faithful readers are enough. Maybe self-publishing, with its potential of only a handful of readers, is enough.  

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I believe that everyone here comes with good intent. If you come to spoil my assumptions by verbal abuse, excessive profanity, spam or other abuses I had not considered, I reserve the right to delete your notes or delete your participation. I am the arbiter of what violates good intent.