Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Editing into the Future

On my second editing pass through Whose Hearts are Mountains, I realize the story reads better than I thought.

My first edit is for word use, and I mostly eliminate as many of the passive verbs -- have, had, has, was, were -- with some fixing of awkward sentences as I see them. This gives me at best a choppy feel for the story.

My second edit is a reading edit, where I read to hear the sentences in my head and make sense of them. The book sounds good in my head.

Whose Hearts are Mountains isn't even the next book I'm sending to developmental edit. I'll send Apocalypse, which is the merciless edited version of three novels, first.  But I have good feelings about Whose Hearts are Mountains that I didn't expect I would have.

I still have to start writing a new novel soon. The only novel I have left to edit is Reclaiming the Balance, and that one has some necessary stylistic divergence (use of gender neutral pronouns for an intersex character) that I'm afraid will get in the way of its success.

I'm still wondering what I will write next. I have a few leads but do not feel passionate about any of them, mostly because they're sequels to things already written but not yet accepted. Perhaps I'm looking for a new idea.


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