Saturday, September 15, 2018


Yesterday, the theme seemed to be "find a different path to publishing".

A colleague of mine who is working on a career as a motivational speaker stopped by my office to chat. She's been following my laments on Facebook as some of you have, and she said to me, "You really need to find a different way to publish."

"No kidding?" I responded. "I hear some of these agents are getting upward of 500 queries a day. How does one even stand out with that kind of load?"

So I am trying to mastermind how to go for indie/self-publishing and have people actually find my stuff to read.

The idea seems to be something like this:

1) Find a platform to publish on
2) Publish
3) Find friends willing to read and put reviews on the page
4) Publicize?

I'm still thinking about it. It's certainly tempting after all the troubles I've had being noticed by agents. My writing seems to fit a niche that isn't being regarded by mainstream agents. It's not the only thing I'm contemplating -- I am going to try traditional publishing until I run out of options there.

I'll keep you posted. You let me know if you want to review a book, ok?

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