Monday, March 12, 2018

The conclusion -- for now.

It can't be helped.

As I crawl out of the other side of my depression, I find that writing is too much a part of my life to quit it.

My characters are almost family members, their stories important to tell. My husband and I talk about them:
"Do you think Grace's parents had talents?"
"No, but I think they figured Grace had a latent music talent, and that's why they hid her in the Renaissance Children school."
I sometimes wish I could have coffee with one of them -- the fey Josh; the acerbic Lilith; androgynous, impish Amarel; intense and troubled Greg.

Their worlds are hidden in plain sight from mine, and if I turn around just right, I'll be at Barn Swallows' Dance or the coffeehouse where Jeanne and Josh met or the Ancestors' Room in the Chinese restaurant in McKinley Park neighborhood or the meeting room in the main Kansas City library, sitting in while Future Past meets. I have not managed to find these places in real life, so I write to create them.

About publishing -- I've decided I will try Gaia's Hands, the one that's currently not winning the Kindle Scout process, with a Quaker press. My only sadness about this is, if it's published, it will be preaching to the choir. I'll turn Voyagers in to Kindle Scout somewhere around then. If those don't sell, at least I've published and can kick that off the bucket list.

I will always be looking for leads. If you have a friend of a friend who knows of an unusual publishing house, please let me know.


  1. I have not read in a while- lack of time. I always enjoy your blog. I love your honesty and how you keep trying. Tenacious- that is an adjective that I would use to describe you.
    This is Lanetta

    1. Lanetta -- Glad to have you back! Tenacious is a very good word!


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