Monday, March 5, 2018

I have a lot to think about on this plane  trip home, and it’s all about writing.  I’ve been warned not to make decisions when either manic nor udepressed, so I’m not giving up writing yet. I’ve made two decisions thus far:

  1. I’m going to publish Gaia’s Hands on Kindle regardless of whether it makes it through the Scout campaign or not.
  2. I’m not querying agents for a while; I’ll let the rest of the queries out there get rejected.
  3. (Did I say only 2)) I might put another book, Voyageurs, through the Kindle Scout process.
What decisions does that leave? Whether or not I can keep writing when I have no audience who reads my work. (I know about 40 of you read this, but for Lanetta and Lynn, I don’t know if the rest of you like my writing, follow because you know me, or visit to keep up with the dumpster fire that is bipolar disorder.)

I can write for myself, but creativity is not meant to be hoarded. It’s meant to entertain, to make people think, to foment revolutions of the hears. To do that, it needs to be shared with people. When I wrote and performed folk music a lifetime ago, I reached very few people, but the words mattered to them.
What do I want when I write? I want to feel, as NaNo proclaims, that the world needs my novel.

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