Friday, March 30, 2018

So here I am, sitting at my desk with the dregs of the flu, looking at snow showers in the forecast on Sunday, and hope still springs eternal -- I've decided to submit another book to Kindle Scout for voting on/potential publishing.

The name of this book is Voyageurs, and it is still under review, with the hope that this time it will get picked up. If this doesn't work, I will put one of those books (probably Gaia's Hands) on self-publishing, so I can say I accomplished my goal and get on with my life.

Voyageurs is the one about time travel, ecological catastrophe, and the outer edges of megalomania. It also has an edgy relationship and a lot of coffee.

I'll let you know the address tomorrow. Please consider looking at it and voting!

1 comment:

  1. Keep moving forward. I love your tenacious spirit that never gives up!
    This is Lanetta


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