Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Hidden stories in a Poem

Sometimes when we write, we reveal our subconscious evaluation of a situation through the imagery we use, and only later do we realize that.

For example, here's a poem I wrote thirteen years ago:

Three Men     9/27/05

A polished marble obelisk
in a rose garden.
A portly tiger cat
rubs against my ankles
and nips my hand in greeting.

A lake at midnight,
with harvest moon reflected.
A distant poor-will calls,
and my heart aches.

At the end of an endless road --
a house, cool white, surrounded by trees.
I sit on the porch, waiting.
A huge white dog runs to me,
and puts his head in my lap.

This was about three men who were casually in my life at the time. I was not dating any one of them, but spending time (face to face or online) with all three. When I wrote, it was based on the imagery I had when  I wrote about them, which is one of the reasons I think this poem became a turning point in my poetry skills.

According to the "end of an endless road", you'd think guy #3 was someone I might end up with, right? Not if you were my friend and mentor Les. I read him this poem and he said, "I'm putting my money on the cat."

He was right -- #1 was written about my now-husband. We've been married for 11 years.

What did my friend see in the symbolism? #2 was never in the running, as he was all about darkness and heartbreak. #2 was great for poetry (I wrote a poem abut him which should be set to music.

#3 -- wouldn't he be the one, the one all about settling down and coming home? Not if you're me, although I didn't understand it at the time. The dog here is subservient and tame. I'm a high-spirited person, which my friend knew well.

So that leaves us with #1. What might my friend have found in that verse? The description is more affectionate and playful, with a tiger (orange) cat nipping at me. The polished obelisk represents a sense of mystery. Roses represent romance.  I didn't get this at the time, so it surprised me.

I owe my friend Les a fifth of premium Scotch whiskey.

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