Thursday, November 12, 2020


 I don't know how many of you are out there, nor do I know most of your names, but know I appreciate you. 
I think I'm crawling out of my prickly stress coccoon, which I picture as being something like a datura shell I curl inside of, hoping for peace. 

The truth is probably not as dire as I paint it, and eventually Trump will leave office. The country will start to recover despite a deadlock in the government because thank Goodness there are things like executive orders and Trump set the precedent of using them right and left. The vaccine for Corona may be ready by mid 2021, and we will be able to hug again.

I'm writing. I'm still writing, breaking a NaNo streak of failing every even year since the 2016 election. That's only two NaNos worth of failure, but I was pretty steady before then. I think I remember what I like about writing, and I think I'll be able to continue it. 

I also remember that I may have to put the big books, the fantasy books, out there again to traditional publishers. If I get my self-promotion game going, I may be able to put them out using that route.

I feel like I'm coming back to myself, someone who does better at doing than being. Thank you for listening. 

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