Tuesday, November 24, 2020

About Time


Maryville, MO is under an emergency order which limits gatherings to ten people or less and enforces the mask ordinances because of an upswing of COVID. (It does not shut down local businesses or enforce shelter in place.)

And it's about time. Many residents of the town have proven that they can't comply with the existing mask ordinance, thinking that their legal rights are being impinged upon.

Hint: No, your rights are not being infringed upon; you're being asked to do what's good for America and your fellow human beings. Don't you want to do what's good for America and your fellow human beings? Then we'll make you wear the mask because the governor is calling the National Guard out to help in the overwhelmed hospitals and morgues.

It's not like I'm not suffering as bad as the anti-maskers are. I will not be spending Christmas with my family. I will not be in Kansas City for Thanksgiving to watch the lights. I have ZOOMed my entire semester of classes. I feel lonely and would feel more lonely if I wasn't married. But I adhere to the rules because I don't want to be responsible for contagion. 

I'm angry right now at all the people who should have refrained from meeting in large groups with strangers, who have gone about without masks and with a bad attitude, who have ruined Thanksgiving for all of us because they kept the contagion going.

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