Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Best I Can Right Now

Note on caption -- I have not had COVID yet, so much of this diagram is not in play. But the lockdown and psychosocial stress is real. Also, WHAT DOES THIS DIAGRAM EVEN MEAN?!

I'm really sorry I haven't been talking to you for a while. I'm in a rough place right now, and I don't want it to get rougher, so I'm focusing on what's necessary until my brain can catch up with what's extra.

This is a part of my life. My moods can go smoothly until I hit a patch of extreme stress (COVID rates rising plus the presidential election and its batshit crazy aftermath) and then my sleep goes off, my mind is a fog, and my emotions are all over the place.

It takes me a bit to recover. Usually I manage it without a tweak to my medication, and usually I don't go into the hospital to manage it. I know what to do to keep myself functional -- go to work even if my mind doesn't think it can, get the important things done, go home to rest. Make sure I'm not avoiding emails. Take bubble baths, do cognitive exercises, not fault myself for not promoting the book.

I will get through this. I always have. But if you're not seeing as much from me as you have, understand that I am doing the best I can.

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