Sunday, June 7, 2020

Submitting my Smaller Works

I got another acceptance yesterday.

A small press called Flying Ketchup Press has accepted my short story "Inner Child" for their issue entitled “Time, Space & Robot Dogs” to be published in 2021.  "Inner Child" is about a therapy session gone bizarrely, humorously wrong. 

This is the second writing I have had accepted in the last two weeks, which leaves me optimistic. The first was a poem about COVID-19 that I have linked to in an earlier page. I haven't had so much luck with the novels, and I'm hoping the good fortune rubs off on them. 

What is my advice to anyone with short stories, poems, and the like who want to get published? 
  • Get yourself a copy of Submittable or find the Submittable website
  • Set a budget for how much in readers' fees you want to spend a month (most submissions have readers' fees to help defray the cost of reading, publishing, etc.
  • Find some calls for submissions that fit your writing
  • Check the calls out before submitting!
    • Check to see if they have a web presence
    • Look at their mission statement
  • Make yourself a strong cover letter. Here is an example of how to do this
  • Submit using the forms in Submittable
Many times, when I get a rejection, it comes with a critique, which to me is a gift. Anything to help me understand how I can improve my work will make me stronger as a writer. I just got a rejection the other day where two of my three poems would benefit from editing, not even that much editing. And out they will go again. 

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