Saturday, June 6, 2020

Fear of Consummation

I got a poem about COVID-19 published HERE.

I've noticed something about my poetry. I do best when given a topic, apparently, because my topical poetry seems more likely to be published. I haven't had luck with my other poems, and I think it's because I don't tend to finish them.

I'm not sure why. Maybe because I'm writing out of emotions and not out of storytelling. Maybe I'm afraid to finish those poems because they're emotional. (Most of them, it seems, are out of observing someone I'm attracted to, fantasy, etc. Like maybe I'm scared to go out the other end, which is about fulfillment or heartbreak.

This is important, because I'm rewriting this fantasy/romance novel. Jeanne and Josh are going to have to fall in love, they're going to have to come close and fall back, make love and become estranged. I'm going to have to be less constrained. 

I'm going to have to lose some of this reserve, this hiding how I really experience feeling. You know, at 56, I thought I'd have figured it out by now.

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