Sunday, June 21, 2020

A Values Crash

I didn't write yesterday. I felt too swamped with work, even though the only thing I had going was a class presentation at 8 AM. Yes, 8 AM on a Saturday. I needed the rest of the day to recover.

So today I'm going to rest. And not think about Gaia's Hands for a bit. I have never struggled so much with a book in my life. I am wondering if I should put it aside again and write something else. Like a short story or two. Or another novel. 

I'm obviously avoiding Gaia's Hands. I have been suggested to write this as a romance novel. I want this book to live up to its potential, yet I don't see romance as a way to do that. And I feel bad that I don't hold romance in a better light, because it's largely written by women and I treasure women writers. In other words, I'm suffering from a values conflict.

But it IS a romance novel, with Jeanne and Josh's relationship taking center stage. I have to get over my feelings about romance or write it romance-secondary/subplot to make it happen. If you have any advice, please let me know.

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