Friday, January 18, 2019

Dear Reader:

Dear Reader:

Thank you for reading this blog.

I know you as data -- what country hits come from. I know what posts are being read (but not who is reading what posts), and I know what times random people are posting. Here's what I know about my readers:

1) I have about thirty hits a day on average. About half of those are from the United States. The rest are from a variety of countries, with Germany holding second place. Other regulars have been from France, Canada, Ukraine, Portugal, and Unknown Region are the most regular.

2) Some of you find me through Facebook, which means I probably know you. Some of you find me from Twitter, and I don't know if I know you or not.  Some referring links are from and IFTTT. I'd love to know how the IFTTT link works.

3) Some of you are probably bots. For example, I get about three hits a day from a web address that specializes in "web cam girls".  I don't follow those links anymore.

4)  I don't know WHO you are. I would love to know who you are. If you're a regular reader, you know I have said this before, because I mean it. I'm the sort of person who would not only like to sign autographs for readers someday, but chat with readers.

Please, if you know someone who would like this blog (writers, readers, my aunt Edna*) please amplify this and pass it on to them!

Love, Lauren

* I don't have an Aunt Edna.

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