Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Dream or Let Go?

Sometimes I still dream of success.

To me, success in writing looks like:
  1. Finding an agent
  2. Getting a publishing contract
  3. Having a readership and modest sales
  4. Interacting with others on my blog
Given that I haven't achieved the first yet, and given that the other goals are probably dependent on that first goal. I don't know if I'm ever going to get there.

This is why I'm considering self-publishing, but I have so many questions about it, such as:

  1. If you self-publish, will people always put a figurative asterisk by the word "author" after your name?
  2. How do you get the word out about your novel?
  3. If my novel doesn't get accepted by agents, is there really a chance that readers will gravitate to it in self-published format?
  4. Can one get famous (ok, somewhat well-known) self-publishing?
  5. Will I have to spend all my time promoting my book instead of writing?
These questions may be proof that I'm still dreaming and doing a lot of assuming. I'm assuming that my books are good enough to find a following rather than languishing on a virtual shelf somewhere, which is a lot to assume even if I get traditionally published.

My affirmation cards keep saying that I have great ideas, the time is not right, let go of expectations, to the point that the same cards keep showing up in readings.

Our American society says that we should hold on to our dreams. Buddhism, on the other hand, suggests attachment -- even to a dream -- causes unhappiness. Which shall I do -- hold on or let go?

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