Wednesday, January 16, 2019

About Snowstorms

We're supposed to get snow, maybe a lot of snow, this weekend.

Now that forecasting weather has advanced as a science, our preliminary forecasts have mentioned anywhere from 0 to 23 inches. I'm not kidding -- although that was on Monday, and weather models get more accurate closer to the event. The latest models appear to predict 1-4 inches, but it's only Wednesday and it's early days yet for a Friday storm.

How people deal with the snow in the US depends on where they're from. In southern states, one inch of snow will shut everything down because it's such a rare occurrence that cities and state highway departments have no snow plows.  In the Midwest, if we see someone stuck in a driveway, we go help push them out. Before a major snowstorm (and what constitutes "major" depends on whether one is a Northerner or a Southerner), people stock up on toilet paper and milk.

Talking about snow is a bonding experience. People discuss how much expected snowfall, preparations, and (at the college level) hopes that school will be canceled the next day.

It looks like school won't be canceled this time, but the forecast could always change. It's early days yet for a Friday storm.

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