Tuesday, January 8, 2019

A good rejection

Yesterday I got another rejection, but I didn't feel too bad about it.

I sent the query out for Mythos at least a year ago, and since then, I've learned a lot about writing. I've learned about developmental editing and beta-reading and about taking out the cherished bits that don't do anything to further character or plot.

 In fact, Mythos as a book doesn't exist any more -- part of it has been cannibalized for the book Apocalypse, which is the next book to go into dev editing. There's been lots of editing there already. So I've gotten a rejection on a book that no longer exists.

Every time I think I've learned nothing, I can look back on what Mythos was before its editing and incorporation into Apocalypse. In effect, Mythos was an idea with a lot of character development and a plot driven by nebulous bad guys and disconnected portents. The bones, however, were good enough to develop into a different story.

So all in all, this was a good rejection.

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