Monday, January 7, 2019

Courting Change

I don't know what I want to write today. I've changed this topic three times since I've started. The first three topics were dirgelike, full of confessing my hubris.

That's not where I want to be today. I'm sitting on the couch, a purring Girly-Girl beside me, drinking some truly magical coffee. Beginning-of-semester meetings start Wednesday; I have to start transitioning out of my vacation.

Things change, and there is always hope.


My life hasn't changed much lately. I embrace change; I'm at my best when I'm evolving. My frustration lately has been that I've been changing my manuscripts but still seeing the same results in query rejections. But tomorrow, or even today, could be different, and I may swim in change again.

I got a little nervous writing this, because changes can be bad as well. I'm aware of that, but I'm writing about GOOD change here.

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