Monday, January 14, 2019

Just Write

I can't get my thoughts to coalesce.

I've tried three times to write on topics -- the beginning of the semester, growing older, expecting more from people -- and the topics keep winding around in circles until I don't know what the topic is anymore.

It could be because I haven't had my coffee yet, I suppose.

Ever have one of those days? "There's something ... bothering me ... but I can't for the life of me figure out what." It's that sort of feeling. There's an elusive topic, something my heart needs to write about, but I don't know what it is and my brain's having none of it.

Now I have my coffee -- home-roasted and fresh-ground, so you can feel jealous of me -- and I'm still not sure what the topic is.

The ideas to write aren't always there. At five in the morning, I'm not always there, either.

The idea, though, is to write and keep writing. Even if the words aren't flowing, even if you don't know if you're making any sense, keep writing. Keep your pen ready, keep your fingers warmed up. Write something.

You'll have to go back and edit it anyhow.

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