Saturday, January 19, 2019

The Beginnings of a Novel

The outline for the new book is going very slowly ...

Let me explain the general idea of the book. This is in the Archetype series, none of which has gone to developmental edit yet. A little background: Archetypes are near-immortal beings who are tasked with holding humanity's cultural memories. If the Archetype for an ethnicity dies, all of the people whose patterns they hold die, so that an entire ethnic group (and, more likely, a large group of people of mixed ethnicity that includes that group) die.  This is why Archetypes have been held apart from humans and each other.

My series covers the interactions between one particular renegade family (unique in that Archetypes don't generally have family bonds) and humans. The humans have their own uniqueness in that they have been gifted with abilities by (depending on who you ask) Gaia, the Maker of the Archetypes, God, or genetic enhancement.

The story I'm writing, tentatively called Gods' Seeds, involves two threads that will come together as the story develops. But here's a first attempt at synopsis:

The Council of the Oldest, the ruling body of the Archetypes, has announced that humans' genetic and cultural memories will be gradually divested back to their humans, as humans have been found fit to retain them. Meanwhile, a young woman on Earth named Leah Inhofer sees horrific visions of Archetypes battling each other, with thousands of human casualties resulting. The Archetypes grow restless, knowing that their reason for existence is being taken away, and they will take desperate measures to keep this from happening. The conflict draws battle lines between Archetype and Archetype, and Leah must find the strength to stand between the two -- or watch the decimation of humanity.


There's a lot of writing in-between this paragraph and a novel. There's character, there's subplots, there's relationships between characters. And there's a lot of words -- about 80,000 words on average. That's why I'm going to write an outline, to help me find my way through the plot of the novel.

Wish me luck, and let me know if you'd read this novel!

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