Thursday, November 15, 2018

A bout of depression

I'm sorry -- I have been gone for most of a week.

A week is not long enough for people to wonder what happened to me -- perhaps I was playing catch-up on my grading (I was), or dealing with student projects (I was), or editing my book (I was).

I was also falling into depression.

The medications are not perfect -- some need to be adjusted or even replaced after a while. Stress or tragedy can kick someone into depression, and some medical conditions such as vitamin deficiencies or low thyroid can cause or exacerbate depression.

In depression, my survival mechanism is to just keep pushing myself to go to work and get things done. It's a good survival mechanism, because it keeps me from digging myself deeper. I may do nothing but sleep when I get home, but I get my work done. It preserves my identity.

I'm on my way back up, and I will be writing again in this space. Glad to be back.

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