Saturday, November 24, 2018

What now?

Note: This was written Friday late afternoon.

I'm done. What now?

I finished the second read-through of Whose Hearts are Mountains this afternoon and even wrote a query letter, even though it's still in need of a developmental edit. I've spent time in the hot tub and am waiting for a dinner that I suspect will be wonderful.

But part of me is like, "What do I do now?"

I get really focused when I'm writing and editing. And during a writing retreat, I'm more focused than usual because I'm in a calming place where there's just enough background noise to keep me from being distracted by silence. Lied Lodge, with its vaulting stone and wood greatroom, fits the function of retreat superbly.

But what now? Dinner, followed by part 2 of a slow-motion Harry Potter marathon, then home tomorrow before the snow hits. We're supposed to get lots of snow, which means we'll get barely three inches and I'll be going back to work on Monday.

Also, I know the answer to "what now?":

  1. Get Prodigies back from the diversity edit, fix things, and query it to young adult agents with the shiny new query letter
  2. Send Whose Hearts are Mountains to my dev editor
  3. Look over Apocalypse a couple times before sending it to a dev edit
  4. Sit on Voyageurs for a while before sending it on a dev edit
  5. Try to figure out what's wrong with The Kringle Conspiracy
  6. Write another book. There's at least two I could write right now.
That's enough work for three years, I think. 

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