Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Winter's Nap

I would just as soon sleep all winter.

I would have made a fine early agrarian -- farm manically all summer, hibernate all winter. In a cave wouldn't be bad as long as it was warm and comfortable -- ok, fine, I'd have a hay mattress on the floor, infested by fleas and lice. I guess I'll stop my romanticizing here.

It's hard for me to get out of bed in the winter. My husband's laughing at this because I'm always up and out of bed before he is, at 5:00 AM every morning. Honestly, though, it's HARD to get out of bed. I keep hoping to be snowed out of work even though they shoveled all the snow from Sunday's blizzard.

The world is no longer that simple as to follow the rhythms of the year. Academia, my home, follows a rhythm, which is why I love it. But winter is still worktime, and I fight the need to be cozy every day to go to work.

Christmas break will be here in two and a half weeks; I think I'll make it till then.

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