Friday, November 9, 2018

The best use of my time

I have decided to quit NaNo this year. Not because I can't finish it, but because I don't need to finish it. I have serious editing to do on everything I write because a bad habit of mine has been pointed out to me (telling rather than showing). My past dev editor didn't pick these problems up, but the current publishing editor (who missed the problems in my query materials) did. Go figure.

I need to learn to deal with these myself because I don't know if I can afford another dev edit on the same document. I need to get better, and someday I might be good enough to publish.

I'm scared I'll never be good enough to publish, but if I can't find the problems in my writing, I know I'll never be good enough to. Becoming Kringle can wait -- the best use of my time right now is re-editing.

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