Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The Beauty of NaNo

Last night, I hit the 10,000 words mark -- twenty percent of the novel is done! No, not really -- first of all, there's the fact that I'm writing between two novels. Second, 50,000 words is not the optimal length of a novel.

But it's a big, round number, and that's the idea. Not even NaNo pretends that you'll have a publishable final product at the end of November. But you'll have something to start with, or something that you keep to yourself and say, "I wrote this!"

Progress as it stands -- I can see the finish line of Whose Hearts are Mountains, knowing that I have a lot of work to do afterward. Richard has restored some of the stuff I took out in the edit of Gaia's Hands and emphasized things I need to emphasize. He has lots of work to go. It's nice to think that that novel can be salvaged.

I'm still waiting for the other publishing editor to come up with edits of the first 50 pages of Prodigies. I am beginning to wonder about her -- she couldn't find anything wrong with my query letter, whereas the other publishing editor helped me improve my query letter in ways even I could see. I would work with one of these people again -- not so the other one.

I'm beginning to feel like a writer again. That's what NaNo does for me.

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