Friday, December 29, 2017

Goals vs. New Years Resolutions

I’ve taught enough about goal-setting over the years that I can write very solid goals. Goals should be:

  1. Specific
  2. Measurable
  3. Action-oriented
  4. Relevant 
  5. Time-oriented
So, for example, the goal "Send queries*" fails several of these parameters:

  1. Specific?  I don't know which of my manuscripts I'm sending queries for, nor to whom.
  2. Measurable? Am I done with just one query? Seventy? Querying everyone in Query Tracker**?
  3. Action-oriented? I guess we're okay here.
  4. Relevant? Is this the action that is relevant to acquiring an agent? Yes.
  5. Time-oriented: When do I need to have this done by?
The SMART (see what I did there?) version of this goal would be:
"Send 3 queries a day, targeting the agents on Query Tracker who handle science fiction, until I run out of agents." There's the goal, and I am on day 15 of that. I have thirteen days more of query writing this round. 

I really like SMART goals, but I haven’t warmed up to New Year’s Resolutions.

First, resolutions aren't goals. They're not SMART. They're sound bites that you have to provide to people when they ask:

"What's your New Year's Resolution?"
"I plan to marry Viggo Mortensen."***

Second, there’s a concept in positive psychology called “ironic effects”, where doing something that requires self-control fails because we "know" we're going to fail. For a good example, stare at a cheesecake you're promised yourself you won't eat.  I find setting resolutions a guarantee that I will give up on January 31. And why not? Resolutions set goals without setting up plans.

What else can I do if not resolutions?
Write down my SMART goals!
And tell everyone, "I don't make resolutions."


* Queries are the submissions you send to agents and publishers to ask them to consider your work and potentially ask to read the whole novel. All queries start with a query letter, a special kind of cover letter. has good instructions for a query letter. Most ask for a synopsis of the book and some segment of the book (first three chapters, etc.)

**I use Writers, you'll thank me for this.

*** For my foreign (and domestic USA) folks who don't know, Viggo Mortensen is an American actor. In the Lord of the Rings movies, he played Aragorn.  When I first saw the movie in 2001, almost 17 years ago, I joked about marrying Viggo Mortensen, as did about a million geek girls worldwide.

1 comment:

  1. The concept of a new years resolution used to make me roll my eyes" why wait until Jan. 1 to make a change in your life. If you are serious just start now. I was not against goal setting - just waiting for Jan. 1.....but now as I have gained some life experience I understand that it is a psychological me...Good choices.
    Good luck on your goals for 2018.
    This is Lanetta


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