Friday, July 31, 2020

The Calm Before the Storm

Right now, it's the calm before the storm for me -- school starts in two weeks, and I'm taking what I like to call my vacation, which is a blessed period of doing absolutely nothing important. Time enough to get worked up about immersing myself in small-room teaching for a high risk clientele that doesn't mask.

But I'm not falling completely fallow. Yesterday, I attempted to get rid of my writers' block by submitting a few pieces to literary journals through Submittable. This was recommended to me through a graphic artist at Gateway Con as a way to wait out finding an agent and publisher. 

I have gotten a couple publications this way -- mostly on web sites, an honorable mention on a major journal (on a story that was very much genre fantasy!), and a couple other journals and zines. So surprising to me that my work is finding traction. 

So today I will be doing something. Submitting more materials, writing flash fiction, getting back to my book, sending a query letter in for more critique. Something to do with writing.

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