Thursday, July 30, 2020

Try, Try Again

One friend liked my pitch (no, don't like pitches if you're not an agent!)
Three followers (also not agents) liked my pitch
One indy publisher with a suspicious business model liked my pitch
No agents liked my pitch.

What is the next move? Right around September or so, I can start pitching the new improved Apocalypse with its new improved query out to agents. I can research small presses to see if some tend more toward traditional and are looking for my kind of stuff. I can look at Manuscript Wish List to target agents to look at my stuff.

Lots of people retweeted me, especially the pitch for Apocalypse. So there's hope if people recognize its worth.

I'm not quite ready to self-publish yet. I have doubts about my ability to market (which is why I'm wary of "hybrid" presses as well.) But I'm not giving up, because publishing is just the cherry on top.

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