Thursday, July 2, 2020

Nagging fears in COVID

Here's me, writing during the time of COVID-19. 

I'm scared of the future. I'm scared about the students coming back this fall, bringing their contagion from far-flung places. I'm afraid of what happens when they're all congregated in their living spaces, in close proximity to each other. I'm afraid of their parties, their incaution, and their bravado. I'm scared that my university, who needs the revenue of on-campus students in residence halls to survive, will fail if students don't show up and will fail if they have to refund students' residence hall money if they have to leave.

I can't be fearful of everything or else I won't survive. So I put the fear in a box and go through my day-to-day activities. Sometimes it reappears when I read the news. 

There's nothing I can do but adapt. 

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