Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The COVID-19th Nervous Breakdown

There's a COVID-19 hot spot in a summer camp in Branson, and I know they've been practicing social distancing and masking because I have a contact down there. Still, 85 people (kids and counselors) have COVID-19.

I have to teach this fall face-to-face (or F2F as we call it in education). I teach human services courses at a university 5 hours north of Branson. Although I will meet with only 1/3 of my students on any given day (Monday/Wednesday/Friday) in order to practice social distancing, and we will (hopefully) all wear masks, I'm still a bit wary. 

I'm not sure there's much I can do about it. If the university says we're face-to-face, we're face-to-face. It's a little nerve-wracking, especially as our plans don't take into account the residence halls, the hallways, the food court ... 

I have just about resigned myself to getting COVID this fall. It's better, I think, than fretting about it for the rest of the summer.

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