Monday, October 8, 2018


"Here, this won't hurt a bit."

This is my favorite picture from Missouri Hope's moulage headquarters. Here I'm demonstrating various techniques on one of our moulage artists who was kind enough to let me bruise and cut her up pretty badly.

I estimated from yesterday's stats -- 180 roleplayers in three shifts, 4-6 moulage artists per shift -- that boils down to 7-10 roleplayer moulages per person per hour.

I haven't totally recovered yet. I feel like I have jet lag although I haven't gone anywhere -- except to the mythical country of Atlantica, torn by tensions between north and south, crippled by an earthquake and its aftermath. A country I helped create.

Life will be back to normal, back to writing, in a day or so, when I find my feet on firm ground and arrive home again.

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