Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Facing my fears (writing related)

My worst fear about writing is that, after developmental editors and publishing coaches, I will be left with this choice: Write what I love or get published.

I have gotten several rejections by agents. I don't know if anyone will read me if I self-publish, because I've never been good at self-promotion.

There, I said it.

This has been my fear all along, that I will hit a dead end in my writing career -- and yes, I think of it as a career, or at least the start of a career.

If that's the worst thing that can happen, what are the possibilities?

  • I keep trying to find an agent, with the great possibility that revising my query materials will not attract an agent.
  • I self-publish, trying to get a readership on my own, which scares me to bits, because I hate self-promotion. I am convinced there's a psychological disorder called "Midwestern Female Syndrome" in which sufferers display inward perfection while at the same time striving to look mediocre to others
  • I give up writing novels, because it's really a waste of time to write novels that nobody reads.
I don't have more than three possibilities in my mind. My mentor Les says that's a bad thing, because there are always more than two options. I, however, cannot quit until I've exhausted all avenues.

On the flip side, how would I measure success?

  • An agent, and eventually a publisher if going the traditional route
  • At least 1000 copies sold of a self-published book, without having to resort to buying the books myself and reselling them
  • In the short run, at least breaking even on the investments I put into coaching, editing, and other items.
My vision, or where I would like to be:
  • Money to supplement my retirement in 10 or so years
  • A devoted readership
  • A book signing tour 
  • The confidence to say I'm an author
I think my goals are realistic -- perhaps too modest, but realistic. 

This is where I am, world.
If you could send encouragement (non-anonymous preferred), prayers, wishes, or advice I'd greatly appreciate it. 

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