Thursday, October 11, 2018


It's less than two weeks till NaNoWriMo, and I'm working on motivating myself for another year. I don't have any new ideas for books, but I'm writing a book I tried to write for NaNo in 2016. It's light and fluffy -- it's a romantic mystery that involves Santas, and I'm going to have to find time to outline it before I start.

There are, according to NaNos, pantsers and planners. Pantsers are those who write freestyle, by the seat of their pants. Planners are those who come in with a complete outline and follow it carefully.

I'm a plantser. Plantsers have a bare sketch of topics and fill them in freeform, and later edit for sense. We have not so much an outline as a list of chapter headings and a bare idea of what those prompts mean.

It's a fun way to write for someone who trusts their imagination and trusts they can pick up all the plot holes in the edit.

For all my Maryville MO readers, NaNoWriMo starts November 1st. You can sign up -- you know you want to write a novel! -- at And if you decide to write a novel, please come drop in to the Board Game Cafe Thursday nights in November (November 1st, 8th, 15th, 29th) from 6-10 PM for a writing space with other writers! 

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