Monday, October 1, 2018

ISO publishing coach

I am shopping around for a publishing coach, because I don't seem to know how to get myself published.

I'm serious about this writing thing. Even if I have to self-publish, I want to find a way to get my words out there and not beg my friends to buy my books. I know I'm not going to make a lot of money on this (breakeven from all the coaching and stuff would be nice, though). I dream of being well-known and well-liked, but this may not happen either. But I want to be read.

Jackie Kibler, one of my colleagues and a motivational speaker, has gotten me started on this venture. She, like I, think the traditional agent-publisher route is broken by too many writers vs too few publishers. Like any situation where there's a limited number of sellers/producers (otherwise known as an oligopoly), competition in the marketplace is that of branding, not of price or innovation. The marketplace of ideas is no exception.

So I am working on something new. Send happy thoughts and encouragement.

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